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COVID-19 Message

COVID-19 Message

We’re Here For You!

There are a lot of unknowns in the world right now. But one thing is for certain --- Earnhardt Heating & Cooling is here for you! With the proper precautions we have in place, we feel we can continue to serve the general public keeping safe distances with our interactions. We understand that many of our customers may be at home using their equipment more than ever right now and we want them to remain comfortable. With this in mind, we want to point out a few things that we are doing different right now:

  1. All of our service technicians and Comfort Advisors have precautionary supplies with them such as KN95 masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and Microban Sanitizing Spray for everyone’s protection.
  2. We encourage all payments to be made via CC/debit card, try to limit the exchange of cash or checks. Payments can also be made by calling the office as well.
  3. We also at this time discourage a handshake. We encourage keeping a 6 foot distance.
  4. We also pre-screen both our customers and our technicians to ensure a safe & healthy visit while in your home.

We are unable to predict the coming months, therefore, we will continue to do this till the government says it is no longer necessary. Once the weather becomes warmer, we do expect our HVAC service demands to increase, meanwhile we are continuing to schedule and perform routine maintenance so that your air conditioner is in top shape when you need it most.
